Minna Orphanage Outreach 2023

We Give God all the Glory…

On the 18th of November 2023, Christ Lifeline once again extended lifelines to the needy and the less privileged, this time in Abuja by visiting Bethany Homes, Minna, Niger State with valuable items and foodstuffs.

The outreach which had a good number of partners in attendance saw the team arrive at Bethany Homes, Minna on the 18th of November 2023 at 10:30 AM after leaving from the meet up point at Mandela Junction, Minna. The CLM team were warmly received by the orphanage team and while waiting to meet with the children who were in the farm, the partners sat briefly to have discussions.

The partners then went to meet the children who had already proceeded to farm by the side of their premises where they went to harvest soya beans. The Partners also prayed with the children and encouraged them on God’s love for a better future.

The orphanage management and the children expressed their appreciation at the visit and donations. They prayed for all the partners who contributed to make the visit a reality and were very glad we made it.

We thank all our partners and volunteers for their contribution, support and commitment towards extending the lifeline of Christ to the needy and less privileged in the society and we pray that God will continue to reward you richly.

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