Christ Lifeline donates 6 Classrooms to Dukkawa Mission Field

Dukkawa is a tribe of people in Niger and Kebbi State of Nigeria which comprises of many villages and a population of over 1.5 million. It is a land where just a few of them have experienced partial civilization and some still go about walking naked. Until the advent of Calvary Ministry aka CAPRO (a Christian missionary organization) in 1986, most people of the land were not born again and were ignorant of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the moment, the missionaries in that land are experiencing daily challenges in winning more souls for Christ. This is because there is a latent law in the land that forbids anyone to give his life to Christ, and if violated, he will be dispossessed of his land and disallowed from farming activities; and farming is the only means of survival in the land. Furthermore, majority of the inhabitants are not educated and this poses more challenge to the missionaries in communicating with them.

The vision to win souls and impact the Dukkawa land led CAPRO to establish a primary school called Christian Learning Centre. Children from all the villages in Dukkawa attend this school for their primary education. It is operated with some local boarding facilities, and this has given the missionaries better opportunities to spend more time with the pupils and impact them with the word of God, rooted and grounded in the truth. Apart from educational opportunities they are being exposed to, they are equally exposed to biblical spiritual activities.

The mission of the missionaries falls in line with our aims in Christ Lifeline, so we decided to support the missionary school and use it as a platform to attract and save the souls in the land.

Why Classrooms?

Every student that goes to school requires conducive learning environment to perform well academically. This coupled with the fact that one of our aims is to give educational support to the needy prompted our action. Moreover, it was discovered that the present facilities in the school were already over stretched and many children were being denied admission into the school. Seeing the future of the school as a centre and focal point to attract and win young souls for Christ, Christ Lifeline decided to partner with them in educating more children and ultimately saving more lives for the kingdom of God.

Christ Lifeline Ministry is in Dukkawa to re-write the story of the future generation of the land by giving lifelines to them. We have built 6 state-of-the-art class room blocks in Dukkawa for the Christian Learning Centre (a school established by CAPRO to reach out to the young people of the land). This project started in September 2007 after some of our partners visited the land and saw the poor state of the school infrastructure.

Our belief is that, the facility being donated by Christ Lifeline will be a tool of effectiveness in impacting these young ones academically, and ultimately have the opportunity of being exposed to Christian virtues.

The first phase of the project was commissioned in November 2008 while the second phase was commissioned in January 2012. This classroom block has indeed added beauty to the school and has consequently improved their standard.

The Commissioning

November 8, 2008 will forever remain an historic day in Dukkawa land as it ushers in a new hope for the parents and pupils of Christian Learning Centre. The missionaries were excited, the pupils were anxious and the whole villagers were expectant; all ready for the commissioning of the newly completed classroom blocks in the School. The District head of the land, the village head of the community, the parents of the pupils, representatives of Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) and the cheering pupils all trooped out to welcome Partners of Christ Lifeline Ministry for the occasion. There was so much joy that filled the heart of everyone and radiating on their faces. The event which was slated for 11 am commenced without any delay with songs of praise and presentations from the highly excited pupils of the school.

The District head (though a Muslim) did not mince word in expressing his gratitude to Christ Lifeline Ministry for their kind gesture. He even promised to allocate more land for the establishment of a Secondary School in the land. The classroom block was eventually commissioned by the President of Christ Lifeline Ministry; Tope S. Aladenusi who was accompanied to the program by some Executives and partners of the ministry. He dedicated the building to the work of God and pronounced blessings on every child that will pass through the school. As this was going on, the children could not hide their joy as they sang joyfully and danced to the LORD. The Head Mistress of the School later thanked the Ministry for fulfilling their promise and also used the opportunity to call for the donation of hostels to the school, lamenting the poor and inadequate hostel accommodation of the school. The second phase of the project was commissioned by Adeyiga Awomuti (Christ Lifeline Director of Projects & Ministries) in January 2012.

How you can be part of this type of projects that we will be doing in several other areas all over the world?

Perhaps you are touched and challenged by this testimony and you wish to be part of those that are giving hope to the hopeless, joy to the broken-hearted, attention to the deserted, love to the hated, help to the poor, health to the sick and salvation to the unbeliever. Or you have that urge in you to be involved in things like this; welcome to a world where you will discover how you can begin to live a life of purpose, fulfillment and consistent progress.

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Stay blessed!

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